Friday, February 4, 2011


knp nikon D90 mnjadi pilihan utk en.luqman eh...(msih mnjadi tanda tanya),mgkin sy xbrpa tahu menahu ttg alam teknologi...huhu. but i really2 wish i could use his camera to snap some pics. im talented u know! boleh smpai trbaring2 la...(itu baru kmera outdated),klu cmera canggih nih lg la...mgkin trguling2..hehe..

"The Nikon D90 is Nikon's newest and smartest DSLR.."
(testimoni from NIKONian)hehe

walaupun pada mulanya x stuju dia nk beli kamera DSLR pikio2 balik ada baiknye,
bl kawin nti xperlu byr mhl2 dkt phtgrpher...skrg ni caj utk phtgrphr pun dh mhl. alang2,baik beli je kmera trus,blh guna utk stiap masa...:)

so,my advice here...beli je slagi blh beli!haha...jgn smpi xde duit utk emrgency sudah..ngee~

p/s:gmbr diatas bukan versi NIKON D90 tp cap PENTAX,(xpenah dgr,myb sekutu dgn cap rmbutan) kaler dia wrna pink..tu yg suka..:)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gong Xi Fa Chai

selamat menyambut tahun baru cina kepada seluruh kaum Cina dan Malaysia...!
Gonxi! Gonxi!

JOm Makan Busat !

sifat lelaki melalui bulan kelahiran

Nota: Jangan jadikan ini sebagai rujukan. Just untuk suka-suka sahaja. :)


Seorang yang pendiam, sihat pemikirannya. Mungkin akan menjadi ***** jika tidak mendapat didikan sempurna, walaupun begitu jika dididik dengan baik, dia boleh menjadi cerdik kerana bakat fikiran yang pintar cerdas ada padanya. Dia mempunyai keinginan yang baik dan selalu berada dalam selamat.


Tabiatnya buruk. Tidak suka mengakui kesalahanya. Ibu bapanya perlu mendidiknya untuk menghilangkan tabiat itu, jika tidak kehidupannya menjadi susah. Walaupunbegitu, sekiranya dia melakukan sesuatu untuk kepentingan dirinya, selalunya ia akan mendatangkan hasil.

Perwatakannya baik, mungkin dia akan mendapat pangkat besar, menjadi orang berpengaruh atau kaya tanpa diduga dalam pekerjaan, ramai yang menyenanginya. Sifat negatif dirinya termasuklah kurang sabar, hatinya keras, dan mudah marah.

Perwatakanya jahat. Hatinya tidak tetap. Fikiran dan kemahuannya lemah, buruk nafsunya, kasar wataknya, mudah mengangkat tangannya. Kehidupan menjadi sukar kerana tabiat buruknya. bu bapanya menempuh kesukaran dalam mendidiknya.

Dia mempunyai tingkat keyakinan diri yang tinggi. Berani dan nekad. Kadangkala melakukan sesuatu yang ***** atau bahaya. Walau begitu, keberanian dan tekadnya akan menunjukan hasil usahanya, kadangkala menemui kegagalan juga .

Wataknya berani, dia hormatkan orang lain. Berbagai kepandaian ada padanya. Bila dia tahu dia salah atau keliru, dia mudah mengakuinya, bila dia tahu dia benar, pendirianya keras tidak mahu mengalah. Semasa kecil ibubapanya perlu mendidiknya dengan baik agak terserlah sifat-sifat yang baik itu, kerana jika betul didikannya, masa dewasa ia akan menyenangkan kedua orang tuanya.


Perwatakanya baik, hidup selamat rezekinya tidak putus-putus. Waktu kecil mudah mengalah bila bermain dengan kawan-kawan. Kelakuan baik, berbudi bahasa hingga semua orang suka kepadanya. Masa dewasa ia akan berjaya dalam segala dalam kerjayanya dan mudah mendapat rezeki .

Dia baik, pendiam, suka merendahkan diri. Dia tidak angkuh kepada teman yang dikenali. Tidak suka membanggakan dirinya dan kehidupannya selalu selamat.

Perwatakan keras. Hatinya keras. Tidak suka dikalahkan oleh o

rang lain. Hal ini membahayakan kehidupannya, oleh itu ibu bapa perlulah mendidiknya dengan betul bagi menghilangkan tabiat buruknya, jika tidak, kehidupanya menjadi susah kerana perangai keras hatinya dan dia selalu bergaduh terutamanya dalam hal mencari rezeki .

Perwatakannya pendiam. Banyak perkara baik pada dirinya berubah menjadi buruk. Dia terlalu banyak berfikir, sifat ini akan membuahkan hasil yang baik dalam kehidupannya. Tetapi oleh kerana terlalu banyak berfikir, dia kadangkala menjadi keliru. Seharusnya dia bertindak tanpa terlalu banyak berfikir untuk mendapat hasil yang memuaskan.

Jika dia jahat dia terlalu jahat, jika dia baik terlalu baik pula. Dia sering mendapat padah dari perbuatannya sendiri. Dia sukar mengawal perasaanya, kadangkala terlalu berlebih-lebihan atau sebaliknya. Oleh kerana dia tidak dapat memberikan garis pemisah,dia sukar mempertimbangkan baik buruk perbuatanya. Dia seringkali menyesal kerana kurang pertimbangan.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

kami ke gua tempurung!

gua tempurung mmg sgt best! lagi2 utk sape2 yg suka adventure....

yg bestnya,kt situ ada 4 jenis package(dari yg x bgape nk xtreme kpd yg sgt xtreme), ktorg pun pilih la yg paling xtreme...haha. (dlm ati takut,tp gatal nk cube) bak kata abah,"time muda2 ni la nk main benda2 lasak..."

ini nama2 gua xtreme yg ada di sana:

  • Golden Flowstone Cavern : Standing at a height of 90 metres, Golden Flowstone describes the sloping and wavering floor and wall of the cave which has a golden hue when water flows over it.
  • Gergasi (Giant) Cavern : It holds a huge column that looks like a space ship. Measuring about 15 metres high and 17 metres long, the column seems to hang precariously.
  • Tin Mine Cavern : Here, you will see the remnants of mining activities in the old days.
  • Alam (Universe) Cavern : Measuring more than 130 metres in width and towers 72 metres high, the cavern has a slender stalactite called Tongkat (Walking Stick or Cane).
  • Fallen Warrior and Battlefield Cavern : See many amazing formations with one looking like a fallen warrior in a battlefield.

Jika sesiapa berminat,boleh la tepon no. yg tertera di bwh...

No 9A Medan Gopeng 4
Jalan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah
31350 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Tel: 605-318 8555
Fax: 605-318 8557

atau korg boleh layari terus ke laman web ni...:)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

10 foods that help reduce stress

How you feel can be directly related to what you eat. If you frequently feel stressed out, it is tempting to grab refined carbohydrates, otherwise known as comfort foods, and eat them in unhealthy quantities. Instead of reaching for a pint of premium chocolate ice cream, try changing your diet to include some of the foods below, and see if your stress level decreases. Chances are, when you add in these vitamin powerhouses, you will feel a difference.

1. Blueberries—Besides having been identified as one of the healthiest foods around, blueberries are very high in vitamin C, which has been shown to give the body added reserves to help it deal with high levels of stress. Also, blueberries contain a high amount of fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels that fluctuate too much are a major contributor to stress for some people.

2. Low fat or skim milk—Milk is very high in calcium and B vitamins, which help to build your bones and protect nerve health. It is also high in protein, and protein also helps blood sugar to stay stabilized. Try mixing some milk, a sweetener and some frozen blueberries in the blender for a healthy pick-me-up that is super good for you, and an excellent alternative to ice cream!

3. Oranges—Oranges are very rich in vitamin C. When you are stressed, your body releases even more free radicals than usual. Vitamin C helps to keep the free radicals in check, and repairs the body. Basically, it helps protect the body from the cumulative effects of stress.

4. Brown rice—All whole grains, including bulger wheat, quinoa, oats and brown rice contain plenty of B vitamins and also supply serotonin producing carbohydrates that do not spike blood sugar levels. They also contain plenty of healthy fiber.

5. Green vegetables—Broccoli, kale, and other dark green vegetables are powerhouses of vitamins that help replenish our bodies in times of stress. Many vegetables also contain potassium, which is good for our nerves and can calm them. Also, when we eat a diet high in vegetables, we do not feel weighed down by our diet, and it is easier to get stress-reducing exercise.

6. Dried apricots—These are rich in magnesium, which is a stress-buster. Some people even say that magnesium helps reduce heart palpitations brought on by stress. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant as well. Apricots are also high in fiber and vitamin C. Don’t eat too many of them, though, because they also contain quite a bit of fructose, a type of sugar.

7. Turkey—Turkey contains an amino acid called L-Tryptophan. This amino acid triggers the release of serotonin, which is a feel-good brain chemical. This is the reason why many people who eat turkey feel relaxed, or even tired, after eating it. L-Tryptophan has a documented calming effect. Chicken is also high in this amino acid. However, don’t eat them fried, or your body will be so busy digesting the fats that you will miss out on the benefit of these foods!

8. Soy—Try adding foods that are made out of soy to your diet, such as soymilk, tofu, tempeh and soy nuts. Soy is high in protein, B vitamins, calcium and magnesium.

9. Sweet potatoes—Sweet potatoes can be particularly stress reducing because they can satisfy the urge we get for carbohydrates and sweets when we are under a great deal of stress. Instead of reaching for a donut, eat one of these instead. They are packed full of beta-carotene and other vitamins, and the fiber helps your body to process the carbohydrates in a slow and steady manner.

10. Water—While technically not a food, it is important to have sufficient water intake, as even a mild state of dehydration can stress your entire body. Keep your nerves steady by staying well hydrated.

As you can see, the foods listed above are not only healthy, but they taste good as well! Next time you crave sweets because of stress, reach for some dried apricots, a sweet potato, or make a blueberry smoothie. Eat other wholesome foods the rest of the time, and eventually, your level of stress will decrease, leaving you less susceptible to unhealthy food cravings.

better together- jack johnson

this song is really2 relaxing my mind...lets share with me!

There is no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard
And no song that I could sing but I can try for your heart
And our dreams and they are made out of real things
Like a shoebox of photographs with sepia-toned loving
Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart
Why are we here? And where do we go? And how come it’s so hard?
It’s not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving
I’ll tell you one thing, it’s always better when we’re together

It’s always better when we’re together
We’ll look at the stars when we’re together
It’s always better when we’re together
It’s always better when we’re together

And all of these moments just might find their way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they’ll be gone when the morning light sings
Or brings new things for tomorrow night you see
That they’ll be gone too, too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find their way into my day to day scene
I’d be under the impression I was somewhere in between
With only two, just me and you, not so many things we got to do
Or places we got to be we’ll sit beneath the mango tree now

It’s always better when we’re together
We’re somewhere in between together
It’s always better when we’re together
It’s always better when we’re together

I believe in memories they look so pretty when I sleep
And when I wake up you look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time
And there is no song I could sing
And there is no combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing
We’re better together

welcome to my blog

hi! im putri from ipoh...:) im new in this blogger world.hehe.
so,i hope i can share all the information and knowledge with u all guys! as what we know (or anyone who dnt know)....

"sharing is caring"

feel free to comment/advice/critics or anything that can bring us the benefits...! thanx guys!